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Prepositions of Time, Direction, and Place - Grade 6 English Grammar

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English Grammar


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What is a preposition?

- A preposition is a word (or a group of words) used before a noun or pronoun to show time, direction, or place.
- Prepositions are also used to show the relationship between words in a sentence.
- There are three main types of prepositions in the English language. These are:
  1. Prepositions of Time
  2. Prepositions of Direction
  3. Prepositions of Place / Space

1. Prepositions of Time

The following prepositions of time can be used:
at, on, in, Since, before, until, about, during, past.

Examples of Prepositions of Time in Sentences

1. She has been in class since lunch time
2. Mary walked to the market in the morning.
3. The baby slept until noon.

2. Prepositions of Direction

The following prepositions of direction can be used:
above, over, across, along, into, onto.

Examples of Prepositions of Direction in Sentences

1. The cat was sleeping on the table.
2. Mary quickly walked across the hall.
3. Ben and I walked into the meeting in time. 4. Philip passed through the busy street at night.

3. Prepositions of Place / Space

The following prepositions of place/space can be used:
on, under, in, beside, against.

Examples of Prepositions of Place/Space in Sentences

1. He was leaning against the wall while clapping.
2. The twins slept beside each other.
3. The glasses were placed on the shelf above the cups.

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